Case Study
Inter-Power A K Corporation:
Based in Quebec, Canada, Inter-Power has a track record of more than 30 years in the distribution, installation, servicing and maintenance of premium air compressors, vacuum systems and accompanying equipment for a wide range of industries.
- An industrial compressor distribution and maintenance company in a fragmented industry, mostly operated as a lifestyle business.
- Owners wearing multiple hats, thus losing focus of what they do best and hampering growth and profit.
- Small due to its limited geographical reach.
- Helped owners refocus on what is most important: their clients.
- Optimized human capital to better serve top clients.
- Changed the pricing strategy and increased billable hours.
- Professionalized accounting and implemented monthly Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
- Supported the human resources function and increased employee engagement.
- Upgraded the Information Technology (IT) infrastructure.
- Executed a highly accretive roll-up strategy.
- Acquired and integrated five companies while maintaining owners as partners.
- Consolidated the North Eastern industrial compressor distribution market.
- Exited to Flow Control Group, a holding company of AEA Investors.
- Re-invested and exited a second time to Bertram Capital.